ICT-Applications Wikia

Libraries use ICT to keep track of books and other things they lend to borrowers. They have the ability or right to store and access a person’s detail as well as a catalogue of books in the library. For a person’s details, it could be his/her name, age date of birth, address, etc.  Libraries can also search catalogues to see if it has a book in stock and they can reserve a book from that stock if a person wants to make a reservation.

Borrowers who borrow books can be tracked by scanning his/her ID number on their membership card and the borrowed book’s ID number.    

Reminders can be sent to people who have not returned a book to tell them how long it’s been overdue, and for keeping tracks of fines payed by borrowers.

ICT systems like these are used in schools, colleges, public libraries and universities. The IT software used in libraries is the Database software to organize and collect data. There is the use on relational Databases . Below is the table:

Borrowers table

Book Catalogue

Book borrowed

Borrower ID no

Book ID No

Borrower ID no



Book ID no



Date Borrowed

Other Details


Other details

When a book is returned, you should find the record in the borrowed books table and delete it for only the book ID no. Part of the reasons why you ALWAYS NEED TO BRING

YOUR MEMBERSHIP CARD WITH YOU is to make sure that the scanner can read the ID no to be issued. Another way of returning a book is to put it into a post box, in case the library is closed. [[


Library Department uses of Information Technology

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